Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First and Second time Visiting AIC

I have visited two times Art institute of Chicago first time was in the begging of semester and second one few weeks ago. The first time when I got there I saw a big painting on the wall on that painting you can see many families chilling in the park. Also it was very good, because you give us a partner that we can discuss different painting. And I was really nervous about that mini project that you give us. The second time we went there everything was totally different from first time. We went to different part of museum that I didn’t visit last time. You put me in nice group with Helen and Mouz. I really liked the listing guide tutor. I never heard something like that. Also I really liked the project that you gave us this time we didn’t need to make poems. And i really liked the permanent exhibition with little houses they look so real. The most interesting thing for me was from AIC that they have a lot of different pieces for different countries. I had a great time visiting AIC

Public Art

 I was exploring most of my Public art at night, but i already saw all of them at day. They look very nice night   at night you can see different color that they have, and you can see those colors at day time. It was really fun for me to do this project i went at night with my friend and Downtown looks very cool at night and public art works.
Crown Fountain ( I went there at night at you can see it only have green color)

Cloud Gate( At night you can see  reflection light on of Chicago)

Jay Prizker Pavilion ( it has different lights at night)

                                                                     The Peristyle

I Want To Be Ordinary

This is the picture of me wearing a bag i want to be ordinary. I made from this bag a hat, This hat look like Russian solders had in 1925-1950.

Theme Of Stories And Histories

Whats is Stories and Histories means in art? It means that something happen lot of years ago and people are telling the stories about it. Also they painted a painting about that fact that happen and they telling people about it.
This painting is about French Revolution that happen is 1789 and ended in 1799. This painting was painted in 1830, the name of this painting is Liberty Leading the People. This painting is against Charles X.
That's how the stories and history  were telling to new generation.

Shadow Picture

I was trying to get my shadow picture at night, i went to Millennium park with my friend and i noticed that there is a good place to take shadows picture. There were a like tree light bulbs facing my face.
On the first picture you can see me pointing a finger, and you can see the same in on the shadow.
On the second picture i am standing normally, but you can see that my shadow is little bit curved. Because my friend was taking a picture from different angle.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reaction for film Frida.

I have watch a movie called “Frida”, this film is about artist life. The first time when artist started to paint after she got into accident with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was okay, but she was in come for three weeks and doctor told her that she have little chance that she will start walk again. First picture she drew when she was laying in the bed; it was her leg because it was the only angle she could drew. Later on her boyfriend left her and she was drawing butterflies on her body. The parent has noticed that she had no more space to paint on her body; they gifted her board with inks. The first thing she draws was her self-portrait she was laying in the bad and looking in the mirror and painting herself. When she started to walk she was painting her family and one time she went to Diego Rivera to ask his opinion about her artworks. He told her that she was doing good job and she should continue. They become good friend with Diego Rivera; and one day they got married. And they have moved to Europe, by that time Frida got pregnant and later one she lost her baby. She was in depression she started to drink and paint. The painting was about the child she had lost. Later she found his husband with another girl and she forgives him, but later she saw him cheating on her with his sister. She left her husband and started to paint again, because she didn’t have money to live. One time the Revolutionary from Russia came and saw her painting he told her “You were really hurt”, because he saw a lot of pain in her paintings. Later on she got Truman that she could walk again, but she still continued to paint. But she still was really good friend with her husband. They have lived together for 25 years. This was the first time when I saw this movie. When I was watching this movie, I had a question does all artist have some problems in life that they start to paint? This movie was interesting for me because artist was from foreign country and I could learn something about different people artworks.

This painting she paint after she lost her baby.
This painting of her self-portait